Starve – Mr Fear Strikes Again

Grapheme Czar: Aurelius (Minsc).

Character Czar: Sarah J. (Dynaheir).


Everyone knows his story. He is accompanying his witch, Dyanheir, and is on his dejemma. He wants to prove his manhood and be accepted into the Water ice Dragon berserker lodge. He has suffered a head wound sometime betwixt his leaving Rasheman and meeting Charname, this has caused him to lose his marbles and become obsessed with Boo, his animate being companion. He'southward near all comic relief, though he's besides mildly tragic. He is also one of the easiest characters to write dialogue for.

from Aurelius

I run across Minsc as a big mountain of a man, with evidently no brains at all. I say apparently, because from time to time he gets certain insights that amaze everyone, even as the claims that all the credit goes to Boo. And let united states not forget that the big guy is a ranger , and so he should be " wise to the means of nature" and all that.

He is also very kind to all those that lack physical prowess and must rely on him for protection ( halflings, petty kids get in this category. Oh, and ofcourse witches). He also nourishes a romantic side ( loves " pretty flowers and such).

Backround : Equally everyone knows, Minsc is hailing from Rasheman. This harsh country nourishes some of the most powerful warriors in Faerun, the cold climate and dangerous beasts claiming all those who are weak and letting only the strong survive. Minsc was raised in the warrior spirit of the Water ice Dragon Berserker Lodge, and his only dream is to be one day i of it's members. To attain his aim, only also to satisfy his lust for travel and "buttkicking" he gladly accustomed to embark on a dajemma as the bodyguard of a afar relative, the witch Dynaheir. Their travel was full of dangers and, one nighttime in Sembia, Minsc was happily rooting out another nest of evil, when he received a terrible blow to the caput. This did fiddling to improve his already fading grip on reality, and soon he became a walking timebomb, his berserker fits coming and going without warning. Dynaheir was ready to requite upward and return home when Destiny chose to manifest itself in the form of an quondam human (bristles, pointy hat, piping smoker) who was selling "Miniature Giant Infinite Hamsters" in the market. Clever advertisment or disguised truth? You lot make up one's mind. Anyway, Minsc was immediately absorbed by a sure specimen named Boo, and spent all his savings to purchase him. Thus the terrible buttkicking duo was built-in.

Boo did indeed take a calming influence on Minsc'southward mind, as well as providing him with certain flashes of genius ( or so Minsc claims).

Political party interaction:

Ajantis: Minsc is captivated by the idea of a righteous "evil buttkicking" Order and does a lot of comparisons with his berserker lodge, request details almost the celebration held after another succesfull entrada agains evil. The details he provides and the suggestions made make the pure Ajantis blush, simply he lets them slip because of the rangers childlike innocence and expert nature. They get along pretty well.

Yeslick: Minsc respects any accomplished warrior, and a good natured warrior priest is even more than so to his liking. i see them happily changing informations most where a proficient meal and some "strong, dwarven ale" might be establish.

Edwin: This guy is asking for a buttkicking. He is his sworn enemy, and Minsc doesn't hesitate to openly menace him with boddily harm. Then he changes tune, going as far as to offer Ewin Boo to pet. The wizard agrees, happily preparing to cast a Shocking grasp spell, only to find Boo charging at his olfactory organ ( he is responsible for the hole that Edwin uses for his olfactory organ ring in BG2 ).

Branwen: Oh, nosotros're talking romance here! The cleric shows some interest in Minsc after he compares her to "the strong, fighting women back domicile", but the ranger is besides busy buttkicking to even notice. Branwen will be securely disappointed later Minsc presents himself with a bouquet, only to inquire her opinion if whatever of those flowers are responsible for Boo'due south lilliputian stomach problem, and pleading for her to cure the little guy.

Xan: Minsc simply doesn't understand the elf'due south gloomy mood, and happily tries to brighten his solar day, only to no avail. Finally he presents Boo, who has just learned his "scroll over" trick, simply to find that the Greycloack has a terrible alergie to hamsters.

Xzar: Even Minsc realises that the magician is somewhere "faaaaar away", and tries to depict some comparisons with his head wound consequences. Xzar'due south post-obit questions well-nigh Minsc'south encounters with "dragons with feet like rabbits" leave him puzzled, and finally he gives up, deeming Xzar likewise crazy even for him.

Viconia: Minsc harbours no prejudice towards her race, and even goes as far as to offer his services as protector, clayming that " that's enough of Minsc to defend both you and Dynaheir". Viconia'southward refusal and threat to one day cook Boo don't impress him, claiming that " she'south a good garl. She merely doesn't know it even so".

Shar Teel: The ranger tries to empathise why she hates men so, and gives his relation with Dynaheir equally an example of complimentary roles. Her hateful remarks to Dynaheir for depending on a human to defend her make him actually angry.

Safana: at sometimes Minsc looks like jelly in her hands, but when she tries to brand employ of her influence to fool him out of all his possesions Boo makes his influence felt and Minsc gets off the hook past claiming that they are too heavy for her to carry.

Montaron: they detest each other. Minsc doesn't trust him 1 fleck, and they change a few angry replies.

Quayle: Minsc tries to impress the gnome by comparison his wisdom to the 1 Boo provides. The effect is easy to guess.

Tiax: The irritating niggling gnome is for Minsc the proof that the world is full of dangerous maniacs, and that people should go out him and Boo lonely while such specimens nevertheless roam free.

Kivan: Another ranger is always welcome, and Minsc tries to burnish his mood by pointing out to all the beauty that nature all the same holds.

Jaheira & Dynaheir: Strong, bossy women are too much for Minsc to handle. His timid attempts to proceeds their favor come past presenting Boo to them merely Dynaheir rejects him as "unclean" and Jaheira throws a fit afterward discovering that Boo gorged himself on her medicinal plants.

Khalid: all-time pals, and that says information technology all.

Garrick: Minsc tries to convince him to become a skald, and Garrick promises a groovy saga nigh him and Boo ( which he never finishes).

Alora: Minsc loves the footling thief, and if anyone tries to harm the halfling volition have to answer to him.

Imoen: another one of his favorites, she fifty-fifty seems to share his love for Boo.



When asked about his by, MINSC proudly announces that he is a berserker warrior from the nation of Rasheman in the utter east. He is currently undertaking his dejemma, a ritual journey to manhood, and is seeking adventure and celebrity in boxing. It is also his honor to be the babysitter of a young Wychalarn of Rasheman named Dynaheir, and if anyone tries to harm her he will beat sense into their heads until they reconsider. He is unsure equally to why she has led them to the Sword Coast, but his loyalty is unquestioning. If he serves her well and distinguishes himself in battle he hopes to be accepted into the Water ice Dragon berserker lodge upon return to their homeland. So far Minsc considers his most notable experience in the world abroad to be the acquisition of his animal companion 'Boo,' a creature that he claims is a miniature giant infinite hamster. Apparently such things do exist in the Realms, but Minsc has surely taken too many blows to the head. He seems a expert-natured beau, just is all too willing to indulge his berserker nature.

When asked about her past DYNAHEIR has very piffling to say. She is obviously from the far-eastern nation of Rasheman, and has come up to the west with a bodyguard known as Minsc. Minsc is on his 'dejemma,' a right of passage, and it appears that she may be involved in something like. Of this, she volition only state that great things are foretold for the Sword Declension. She seems very sure of herself, is possessed with an old-world sensibility, and is very demanding of her companions. She has expressed concerns virtually the sanity of her bodyguard, though she has an obvious respect for him and volition not go far from his side.

More Dynahmite Info from Sarah J.: My assumption is that Dynaheir was sent westward to detect out what is backside some visions that some ranking clerics of the Three (peculiarly the Hidden One/Mystra, who has her own reasons to oppose Bhaal) take been having. Old evil rising afresh, or something like that. She is bound to limited interest in Candlekeep's libraries, peculiarly in Alaundo's prophecies, and should be quite excited (well, in her reserved manner ;) ) when the party finally returns to Candlekeep. Likewise, she won't fail to take detect of various soothsayers and seers who brand vague remarks about CHARNAME's strange aura, terrible destiny and all that.

I picture Dynaheir as a rather hardy, good for you woman (Con 16!), certainly no frail, spoiled bookworm who can't exercise without various animate being comforts -- retrieve, Rashemen is a wild country with niggling "civilization" to speak of. She is both smart and wise, then when she gives communication it will be sound and every bit she is used to commanding respect, she likely expects her advice to be followed. With her, ah, somewhat domineering and demanding mannerism, she does remind me a chip of a toned-down version of everyone's favourite druid, Jaheira. Witches are expected to "foster agreement" among their people and keeping them potent and unified, so she volition do the same in CHARNAME's adventuring party. I accept that to mean that on ane hand she is quite tolerant IF a given person is doing their best for the group and not bothering innocent passers-by, but on the other hand she'll crack down quite difficult and fast on selfish, irresponsible, untrustworthy or just plain cruel beliefs. She'due south Lawful Good, afterward all.

Dynaheir speaks "Shakespeare English" -- if you lot can't be bothered with the thees and thous, I'll handle information technology. Only continue in mind that her speech suits her character: formal and dignified, maybe a fiddling "stiff". I strongly advise against using contractions like "don't" or "I'm".

Character Canvas.

Minsc: male, human, ranger, neutral-skillful.  Str eighteen/93, Dex fifteen, Con 15, Int 08, Wis 06, Cha 09.

Dynaheir: female, human, mage (invoker), lawful-skilful.  Str 11, Dex xiii, Con 16, Int 17, Wis fifteen, Cha 12.

Special(south): Minsc has Boo and a once/mean solar day innate berserking power.  Dynaheir has a once/day innate slow poisonous substance ability.  Dynaheir'south wisdom simply two points below that needed to dual to cleric.

Some general info on Rashemen:

Beginning of all, it's "Rashemen" and "dajemma", regardless of what the game says. ;) The adjective as well as the name for the people is "Rashemi". All the post-obit info is from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

Rashemen is a cold, wild land ruled by a club of female person wizards (priest/wizards, actually, in 3E), the Wychlaran or Witches. The authority of these women is absolute, but benevolent, and their efforts seem to play a crucial role in keeping the unruly berserkers of their homeland efficiently united against their traditional enemy, Thay, which has attempted to invade Rashemen countless times. Predictably, the Wychlaran and the Red Wizards hate each other with a passion. Many Witches are sent abroad to study other cultures or keep en heart on important people, ever accompanied by a true-blue babysitter. Dynaheir refers to the "Orthlor" one time, that should exist "othlot", though, and refers to the highest-ranking Wychlaran; the name simply ways "True Ones".

Male wizards are rare in Rashemen, the few who exist are highly regarded, kept hidden and well protected, and devote their fourth dimension to researching new spells and crafting magical items for the Witches (who in turn are strictly forbidden from making magic items themselves). These men are called Vremyonni, the Old Ones, because their magic prolongs their lifespan.

Young Rashemi are expected to leave their land and roam the world for a while before they are considered adults, this rite of passage is chosen the "dajemma". The leader of the warriors is known as the Huthrong, the Fe Lord, who is called by the Wychlaran. The dominant religion in Rashemen worships Bhalla (Chauntea), the Hidden One (Mystra) and Khelliara (Mielikki), who are collectively known equally The 3.

Sample Dialogue (from the game).


I agree Boo, they wait to be friendly.  Greetings, nosotros are Minsc and Boo.  Nosotros have traveled far to explore this land, just now my charge Dynaheir has been taken from u.s.a..  'Twas gnolls, and once we take tracked them I will beat sense into their heads until they release her.  Accompany united states of america and bards will sing the deeds of Minsc and Boo....and friends.  Let u.s.a. pass strangers, for we have not much time to waste.  What?  Yep, I'll ask them.  Boo and I go to rescue my charge Dynaheir.  You lot may aid in our victory, if yous wish.  There is glory plenty for all!  Boo is my faithful animal companion, and more than he seems.  My hamster does non similar your tone.  Away with ye.  You would leave an innocent to suffer with nary a twitch of your sword-arm?  RrraaaAAGHGHHH!!!  Take center fellow adventurers, for you have curried the favor of Boo, the simply miniature giant space hamster in the Realm!  My friend and companion ever since my h-h-caput wound, he will lead us to victory!  Onward to the Gnoll Stronghold in the w!  Tarry not!  We must go presently!  JOURNAL I have agreed to assist Minsc rescue his friend.  She is held captive at a gnoll stronghold, far w of Nashkel.  Go out  We take too long!  My charge is in desperate peril!  If we do non go now you are a coward!  You lot agreed to aid in my cause, yet at present you break your discussion past your inaction!  I'll have none of it!  Experience the wrath of Minsc and Boo!  AAuughh!  Dynaheir has been slain!  For what purpose am I now?  I cannot return home in disgrace, she was my responsibility!  NOOOOO! What (sniff) what is it Boo? I...yes...yes...Yes!   You at that place, may we bring together with you?  Y'all fought well, and it would lessen my shame to be in your visitor.  My accolade is yours, will you take it?  Sniff...yep.  Yep!  A quest!  I shall quest until my honor positively bloats!  Minsc and Boo, roaming the Realms for take chances!  When the epics tale of the states are written, I'll exist sure to give y'all a footnote!  Good day!  My sword is at your feet and yous would spit upon information technology!?  That'due south just so...un-heroic!  Hooray!  We will honor the memory of Dynaheir with deeds that make grown men tremble!  See?  Boo trembles fifty-fifty now!  Boo, do my eyes deceive me?  Dynaheir!  Who are these knaves that would dare to stand up so close to you?!  If they are the ones that took you from me I shall tear their skins off!  Then I am truly shamed.  I could not prevent your capture, and strangers were your saviors.  I present my head for the taking.  Wondrous!  Introductions are formally in order so.  I am Minsc, and I am the sworn protector of the fair Dynaheir.  Boo is my true-blue beast companion, and more than he seems.  My friend since the h-h-head wound, he is the but miniature behemothic space hamster you are ever probable to see.  We have a bail, we do.  Onward!  Onward to chance!  Discard a such a buff companion as myself, not to mention the erudite leadership of worthy Boo.  You cause Boo much distress, and that's something I cannot tolerate.  Rrrraaaghh!!  If you lot no longer want me and Boo, then I'll exist taking Dynaheir and nosotros'll be on our way!  Boo forgives y'all.  Let'southward be on our way Dynaheir.  Boo doesn't similar the smell of our old companions.  Nosotros accept also long!  My charge is in drastic peril!  If nosotros do not go now you are a coward!  Periodical Minsc is getting impatient, I must go to rescue his friend shortly. He previously said that she was being held at a gnoll encampment to the west of Nashkel.  Leave  You agreed to help in my crusade, withal now you break your give-and-take by your inaction!  I'll accept none of information technology!  Feel the wrath of Minsc and Boo!  I have never seen such behavior in all my days!  And you lot claim to be heroes?  Raaaargh!!!  Boo and I were about to leave anyway!  I have never seen such behavior in all my days!  And y'all merits to be heroes?  Good riddance!  Come Dynaheir, I will not feel good about your safe until nosotros are abroad from here.  I am truly saddened that you wish Minsc and Boo to leave.  If you have any demand for stout blade, and an fifty-fifty stouter man to swing it, do not hesitate to call on me.  I fear that where Dynaheir goes, so must I!  It must be both of usa, or neither.  Boo and I were well-nigh to leave anyway!  I accept never seen such behavior in all my days!  And you merits to be heroes?  Skillful riddance!  Come Dynaheir, I will non feel proficient about your rubber until we are away from here.  I am truly saddened that you wish Minsc and Boo to get out.  If you have any need for stout bract, and an even stouter homo to swing it, do non hesitate to call on me.  Let's get Dynaheir.  You lot are safe with me regardless.  I knew you would render!  Rejoin with Minsc and Boo, and we shall once again accuse headlong into adventure and glory!  If that is your wish, but hazard will not wait forever, non unless y'all tie it down and sit down on it for good measure.  Minsc knows.  Let evil beware, lest information technology become a righteous kick betwixt the eyes!  Dynaheir need not worry for her safety while Minsc lives!  Let evil beware, lest it become a righteous kicking between the eyes!  Onward!  Information technology is equally yous would have it.  'Tis my sworn vow to ensure your every demand is catered to. [MINSC2]  Where Dynaheir goes, then goes my blade. [MINSC28]  Lay a finger on what I protect and forevermore ye will answer natures call with a hook!  Stand ye not to close!  Dynaheir is under my protection! [MINSC30]  Play on, bard!  'Tis sweetness music to my furry friend. [MINSC31]  I take no crime from your comments.  You just don't understand the bond I take with Boo. [MINSC32]  [MINSC ane] Stand up and deliver, that my hamster might have a improve expect at ye!   [MINSC 2] No, despair not!  I volition inspire you by charging blindly on! [MINSC four] Camaraderie, take chances, and steel on steel.  The stuff of legend!  Right Boo?  [MINSC v] Yep Boo, I agree.  This group could practise with a swift kick in the morals.     [MINSC half dozen] If I go along with this I'll never look Boo in the eyes again.  Choose advisedly, I'll not let this come to laissez passer! [MINSC ] Ye accept stepped beyond the line of evil!  Taste hamster justice! [MINSC 8] Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads!  Swords for everyone! [MINSC nine] I must rest, I've a bad case of armor abrasion. [MINSC 10] My hamster's getting antsy! If we exist adventurers, allow us adventure! [MINSC three] Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE Eyes!!  RrraaaAAGHGHH!!! [MINSC xi] I demand aid soon, lest my hamster go an orphan. [MINSC 12] Boo likes the forest.   [MINSC xiv] Evil 'circular every corner.  Conscientious not to step in whatsoever. [MINSC sixteen] Ahh, nighttime.  Good for sneakin' up on evil. [MINSC 1] Who wants some? [MINSC 18] Y'all indicate, I dial. [MINSC xix] Less talk, more fight! [MINSC twenty] Butt-kickin' for goodness! [MINSC 21] Squeaky bicycle gets the kick. [MINSC 22] Full plate and packing steel! [MINSC 23] Fool me once, shame on y'all; fool me twice, watch it!  I'm huge! [MINSC 24] When the going gets tough, someone agree my rodent. [MINSC 25] There be safety in numbers and I am 2 or three at least. [MINSC 26] Make way evil!  I'g armed to the teeth and packing a hamster! [MINSC 2] It is as y'all would accept it.  'Tis my sworn vow to ensure your every need is catered to. [MINSC 28] Where Dynaheir goes, so goes my bract. [MINSC 29] Lay a finger on what I protect and forevermore ye will answer natures phone call with a hook! [MINSC 30] Stand ye not too shut!  Dynaheir is under my protection! [MINSC 31] Play on, bard!  'Tis sweet music to my furry friend. [MINSC 35] You travel with Minsc, you toe the line!  I'll not endure slackers while I'k busy hero-ing! [MINSC 36] Boo does not like your mode.  Away with ye. [MINSC 3] Choose your friends wisely.  Not all are as trustworthy as Minsc and Boo. [MINSC 40] No finer a place to die than the battlefield! [MINSC 41] Dynaheir!  Nooooo!  You will be avenged! [MINSC 34] I am of few words and fewer hesitations!  Warnings past and now you die! [MINSC 32] I take no offense from your comments.  Yous just don't empathize the bond I take with Boo. [MINSC 33] Your words are every bit sharp as my blade, though not half as shiny.  Oooo, shiny.


I thank thee for saving me.  'Twas courageous to follow the likes of Minsc into battle, if a affect foolish.  I have aught to offer thee in render, save my services in battle.  Mayhaps I could travel with thee awhile, and an opportunity may ascend for repayment of mine debt.  Minsc is...well...Minsc, but he hast a potent sword arm, whilst I am expert in the arts magica.  Shall we join?  Thine efforts to salvage me are well appreciated, only I cannot help but be saddened.  My guardian Minsc  has left this life behind.  His valor and mighty berserker wrath will not go unremembered.  Still, as I have lost my escort and 'tis not safety to wander these lands alone, possibly I could join with thee.  My knowledge of the arts magica would no doubt be useful, while the strength of a group would benefit me as well.  I am Dynaheir of Rasheman.  'Tis not a title; 'tis but where I am from.  We two are indeed far afield of our home, but 'tis a necessary rite of passage.  Minsc must make his "dejemma" past seeking run a risk, while I must prove my worth to my....sisters in much the same way.  'Tis an interesting fourth dimension for the Realms, with great things foretold for the Sword Coast.  'Tis therefore a likely place to look for what nosotros need.  What dost m seek on this adventurous route?  Mayhaps we tin all find what we need together?  Alas, we were ambushed in the dark.  Minsc was overcome past yet another accident to the head, and I was spirited abroad before he could recover.  With simply two optics apiece in that location is naught more we could take washed.  Certainly 'twill be safer for all of us if we bring together together.  What say thee?  The choice thou makes dost puzzle me, merely 'tis thine to make.  So be it.  As thy wish, though the logic of thy decision escapes me.  Come Minsc, we depart forthwith.  I have no doubt thou shalt brand an... interesting traveling companion.  JOURNAL I have rescued a mage by the name of Dynaheir, merely as Minsc requested.  They volition both be valuable avails to my group, I am sure.  EXIT  Thine assistance is most appreciated.  'Twas a dastardly fate thou have saved me from.  I see bravery was non all that motivates thee.  I take it I am rescued from ane death to die by another then?  How can the cause be just?  I urge circumspection; the likes of him are all-time kept at pole-arms length.  Put aside his paranoid goals; I make a far better friend than enemy.  An unfortunate decision!  Pardon me while I put upward a fight!  I knew intelligence would prevail.  Simple common-sense, the foil of every Crimson Wizard.  I shall sentry thee too, though I expect to receive less pleasure from my task than k from thine.  They know enough to plow thee away.  Crawl back to Thay and refine thy manners.  Thy know not even why I have traveled, only that thou must stop what always it is I've come to do?!  Get thyself a hobby, thou dost have likewise much time on thy hands!  I am Dynaheir, a witch of Rasheman.  I and my comrade Minsc have been sent by the Wychalarn to determine if the prophecies of Alaundo are truthful.  Nosotros search for the spawn of Bhaal.  The fool dies.  Such a loss of wasted life.  To have followed all this mode, only to die non knowing the reason why.  Edwin, chiliad art surely the greatest fool I have ever known.  Such are the follies of the fanatical, though I suppose my own sisters are as guilty of this on occasion.  Enough navel gazing.  <thespian proper name>, would'st k consent to my joining thy group.  I can merely attempt to promise no more mystery mages will come seeking me.  'Tis certainly practiced to see a face possessed of less teeth than my captors.  I am Dynaheir, and I welcome thine aid.  I fear I was separated from my guardian, Minsc.  I know not his fate, for we were ambushed in the nighttime.  Doubtless he is alive and looking for me, though the blow to the head he suffered tin non have further helped his wits.  He is a expert and noble warrior, though less gifted in matters of judgement.  Mayhaps I could travel with thee until I notice him?  'Tis dark times indeed when such as thee would talk to me thus.  If m would decline the company of an established mage, perhaps thine own head bears examining even moreso than my bodyguard's.  I accept my leave of thee.  My rescue was timely and appreciated.  I suppose some style of payment might exist warrented, though I accept little other than mine own skills to give.  Would'st thou accept the company of one practised in the magical arts as reward?  I could do with an escort equally well, at least until I locate mine bodyguard, Minsc.  Stand up piece of cake Minsc.  They  are to exist trusted, for it was their valor that rescued me.  At present Minsc, that thick head is best left where it is, regardless of how niggling information technology is used.  Thou shalt continue to accompany me equally previously assigned.  No dubiousness our new friends would welcome a warrior of thy...perseverance.  They obviously no longer wish our companionship Minsc; let us exist on our way.  Nosotros'll exist on our style then; though I practise not understand why thou would'st identify such footling value on the abilities of Minsc and I.  Of course we'll stay.  Thank you for the rescue.  I am deeply in debt to yous.  I must go out at present, so that I can notice my guardian Minsc.  Stand up easy Minsc.  They  are to be trusted, for it was their valor that rescued me.  At present Minsc, that thick head is best left where it is, regardless of how little information technology is used.  Thou shalt proceed to back-trail me as previously assigned.  No doubtfulness our new friends would welcome a warrior of thy...perseverance.  The option g makes dost puzzle me, but 'tis thine to make.  Then be it.  Pay him little heed.  Minsc must make his "dejemma" by seeking adventure, while I must bear witness my worth to my...sisters in much the same manner.  'Tis an interesting time for the Realms, with great things foretold for the Sword Declension.  Hopefully we shall all find what we seek.  Thou hast proven to exist quite a leader.  I shall look forward to when nosotros can again call each other comrade.  I shall watch thee every bit well, though I wait to receive less pleasance from my chore than thou from thine.  Nosotros are nigh a season's travel from our northern homes, and yet however ye wish to dredge upward the old battles?  Fanatical fool!  Thy know not even why I have traveled, only that thou must stop what e'er it is I've come to do?!  Get thyself a hobby, m dost have too much time on thy hands!  If thou dost no longer desire my companionship, then so exist it.  I shall non force myself where I am not wanted.  Come up Minsc, we will go along on ourselves.  Thou hast proven to exist quite a leader.  I shall look forrard to when nosotros tin can again call each other comrade.  Come up along Minsc.  I had promise I would come across thee again.  Mayhaps we could bring together once again?  I have no words to express my disappointment.  Possibly another time, then.  That is a wise and beneficial determination for all concerned.  My escort Minsc would be a valuable companion as well.  Must 1000 keep that rodent and so close?  'Tis surely unclean. [DYNAH2]  Stand easy Minsc, thy needs not be so motherly. [DYNAH28]  Evil to thy cause?  Perhaps.  However, those of decent nature know otherwise. [DYNAH29]  Any protection would be courtesy, not necessity.  My power is no less than thine! [DYNAH30]  K shalt not question my will in one case I present thy neck to the Orthlor!   [DYNAH31]  I should continue an centre towards Edwin.  One can but expect treachery from his kind. [DYNAH36]  [DYNAHEIR 3] Thy decency is refreshing when and so many we meet are . . . lacking. [DYNAHEIR two] These odds are idiocy!  Retreat! [DYNAHEIR iv] This group shows hope exceptional. [DYNAHEIR 5] Must I watch over this group equally a nanny the kid?! [DYNAHEIR 6] I cannot abide by this decision!  'Tis idiocy! [DYNAHEIR ] Thy manner is inexplicably evil!  I have my leave! [DYNAHEIR 8] A wise choice to appoint the wiser. [DYNAHEIR nine] Magic does not nest well in a tired mind.  I must slumber. [DYNAHEIR 10] Might we move on? [DYNAHEIR 3] For right! And I always am! [DYNAHEIR 11] Past The Iii, I practise not experience well inside. [DYNAHEIR 13] Such bustle!  The cities of Rasheman are empty compared. [DYNAHEIR ane] Thy called? [DYNAHEIR xviii] Whatever thy need. [DYNAHEIR xix] Thy wish my ear? [DYNAHEIR 20] As directed. [DYNAHEIR 21] No less than done. [DYNAHEIR 22] As well as I tin. [DYNAHEIR 23] Go hither!  Exercise that!  What most MY needs? [DYNAHEIR 24] These boots were fabricated for walking, and that's only what they'll practice. [DYNAHEIR 25] Who fine art m to bear on me like y'all know me?! [DYNAHEIR 26] Scout thee where thy place that pointer! [DYNAHEIR 2] Must thou keep that rodent so close?  'Tis surely unclean. [DYNAHEIR 28] Stand easy Minsc, thy needs not exist so motherly. [DYNAHEIR 29] Evil to thy cause?  Perhaps.  However, those of decent nature know otherwise. [DYNAHEIR 30] Whatsoever protection would be courtesy, not necessity.  My power is no less than thine! [DYNAHEIR 31] Thou shalt not question my will once I present thy neck to the Orthlor!   [DYNAHEIR 35] I'll thank thee to remain downwind.  'Tis hard to cast spells while I gag.  [DYNAHEIR 3] Thy decency is refreshing when so many we meet are . . . lacking. [DYNAHEIR 36] I should keep an eye towards Edwin.  One can only expect treachery from his kind. [DYNAHEIR 40] No more mistakes, people!  Nosotros can beget no more losses! [DYNAHEIR 41] Minsc!  His mighty berserker wrath volition not get unremembered. [DYNAHEIR 33] K art correct indeed.  Subsequently my own heart. [DYNAHEIR 34] Thousand art fluent in compliments.  Some might say effluent. [DYNAHEIR 32] I pray thee did not osculation thy female parent with that mouth.


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